Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Today I met the Archbishop and he named me Kamimurdja. Or something like that.

SO I never planned to create a blog but today I made a pact with a returned Peace Corps volunteer who's been talking about buying a scanner ever since I met her two years ago. So here you go Sarah! I hear HP makes a nice one. Maybe they'll sponsor my blog now that I've mentioned them? Ooh or donate to my hospital so that I'll have money for my health outreach projects. Probably not.

I feel like I've been in Uganda FOREVER but it's really been just 11 weeks. Crazy. A lot has changed since I moved here. For example, my host mom told me I've " finally gotten fat," I've learned how to bathe from a bucket (although not very well to be perfectly honest), I can tell you what I like to eat or say "Don't poop in the house!" in a useful language called Runyankore, and I now know what it feels like to be charged by a cow with horns the size of... me...before I got fat that is. And I have to say, it's a lot scarier than you'd think.

I swore in as an official volunteer Oct 15th and moved to my permanent site just outside a large town called Mbarara in Southwest Uganda. I love it here! It's really a beautiful region of the country. Last weekend my counterpart took me to Lake Mburu National Park and it was amazing. Although at the moment I have no clue how to post the pictures. But seriously. I saw real monkeys and zebras and hippos and what I thought were antelope but who knows.

My house is really nice... small but nicer than I expected. I actually have a shower so I am thrilled. It's freezing water but I figure it's a major upgrade from my trusty bucket!

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